Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Radio Free Tobias: Some Q & A with Eric Rottmayer

Back in 2005, Tiara was a busy band, releasing both a new album (Chained To The Crown) and a split 12" with Miranda Sound thanks to Around that time, lead singer/guitarist Eric Rottmayer conducted an interview with the blog Radio Free Tobias, here's some of that:
RFT: It seems to me like a lot of people listen to it (straight pop-rock type stuff), but there aren't a lot of people playing it.  
Eric: Yeah, I know. I don’t really know the reason for that, but that’s how it’s always been. The Columbus scene has always been kind of strange, I think. For us, at least, we started playing in a totally straightedge, punk rock house, and that’s where we played our first show, it's called the Neil House. And that was strictly out of necessity, I mean, that was the place we could play. We made friends with some of those people because they accepted us into that scene. We weren't playing punk rock at all. But it helped us get out foot into the door, meeting a lot of people. We were sort of accepted even though we were playing a lot of pop things. We would have people boo us. I mean, we don’t really fit into a lot of these different things, so some night we would be booed, and some nights someone would come up, out of the blue, some crazy punk rock kid would come up on stage and be like "I really understand what you’re doing". And that was really cool. So, it's hard if you’re really trying to do something that’s not typical. It wasn’t that we were really trying to do something that wasn’t typical; we were just doing what we liked. 

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